Mosaic tile borders built with the latest Eurotiles can have a significant impact on the modern home. But many homeownersdon’t know how to capitalize on the use of these attractive décor products. Ourteam at Fontile Kitchen& Bath has decades of experience supplying the market’s top Eurotiles and in our new post, we’re highlighting our tips forinstalling mosaic tile borders on your property.
Considerlistello borders throughout the home
We believe listello borders tell a storywithin your property. These mosaic tiles combine a number of tiles to form apicture and to serve as a border in the home. They can also combine to formpatterns that balance the décor within your living space. For example, if youhave a classically-designed living room featuring darker coloured furniture,you might consider a white-and-black patterned border to provide decorativebalance. Custom listello borders might also be used to frame centerpieces inthe home. If you have a family picture in the living room, consider using alistello technique to form a tile mosaic around the picture.
Choosemosaic tiles to add modernity to the kitchen
The kitchen space is considered the meetingarea of the modern family, so many homeowners are now upgrading them to be morecozy and functional. You can use mosaic tiles to add a lively appeal to cookingareas and prep spaces. The latest Euro tiles from the top manufacturers aredesigned to frame the kitchen backsplash andbring more attention to the décor elements within the kitchen.
Surroundthe bath with deep-blue mosaic tiles
For that warm and comfortable feeling inthe bathroom space, why not consider the latest mosaic tile options? Mosaictile can be used across an entire wall for a deep blue appeal that transcendsthe contemporary design standards. Many of the leading Euro tiles are nowdesigned for excellent waterproof performance and optimal durability across thebathroom space.
Our team at Fontile Kitchen & Bath is hereto guide you in selecting quality mosaic tiles. To discover more about ouroptions and the design choices available for the home, please call today.